West Palm Beach Eviction services can be very expensive, and you’ll still be stuck with a lot of work when the tenant is evicted! What should you do?
Palm Beach Home Property Management has extensive experience in “rescuing” landlords from tenants who aren’t paying their rent.
To put you back in control, we will either get your tenant to start paying again, or
cost for this service is a flat fee of $500 plus expenses for the eviction. After a management agreement is signed we will engage a legal service on your behalf to pursue collections or start the eviction. Expenses for simple evictions usually
run $200 to $700, depending on how quickly the tenant vacates.
Many clients tell us they are surprised at how effective we are at negotiating with tenants to either pay the rent or move, saving you the cost of the eviction! And if an eviction is required, the rate we’ve negotiated with our attorney is hard to beat.
To repair the property and make it “rent ready” for the next tenant we will coordinate the activities of vendors as required. You will receive a complimentary video inspection of the property, enabling you to see exactly what work needs to be done.
This service is available only as part of an ongoing property management program.
To get started call (800) 999-6608 and press 2 now, or request a proposal below:
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